What’s in a name: Escort or Companion?

As a provider of contemporary companionship I recognize that they’re a lot of different names to go by. They’ve varied throughout the years depending on what a person offers, the time period and whom a provider may be interacting with. My favorites include: escort, companion, working girl, sex worker and courtesan. In fact I often use the term sex worker (sw for short) interchangeable with the term escort.

For example: Ever watch the Hulu show Harlots? What about Secret Diary of a Call Girl on Showtime? I know for sure you’ve probably seen the classic Pretty Woman. These are a couple representations of escorts I enjoy that talk about all the different aspects of sex work and the many different titles we as may have as workers throughout the years. I would go into more detail, but that’s an entirely different post!

To define what exactly I do can be a little difficult. Some providers mention a certain  “Joie De Vivre” some of us have and I like to agree.

Me personally? I like to frolic in the afternoon light and slurp down oysters with a negroni in the evening. While I like to think of myself as a companion, provider, even a modern day courtesan- they’re a bunch of different terms to describe who I am and what my role is in this world. Quite simply I am in the business of providing companionship.

You might use the term ‘companion’ escort or even call girl. Is there a difference between using the word escort and companion? Well, to answer that question is obviously complicated- but in short, not really. I use websites like Eros, Slixa, p411 and Tryst to advertise to those looking for escorts- because that is a part of my job that I adore so much. The word isn’t wrong. In fact I would love escort you to dinner, a show, to the park or a museum. An escort doesn’t really imply much either way- it’s just another word myself and many other providers use to connect to our client base. If it helps you find me, I don’t mind the word escort one bit—as long as we get the chance to establish our own unique connection.

Peace + Light,


Maya Cobryn